Progress has seemed slow when looking at the boat over the last couple of weeks. This is probably because we were preparing for the internal fit out which involved first fitting the inwhales but then slowly setting up the spiling for bulk heads and then all the sole board supports. I seem to have been spiling non stop for the last two weeks but I have wanted to take a pattern of every bulkhead, every floor support and anything else fitting to the bottom of the inside of the hull. This has been broken up with various other side classes teaching paint and finishing techniques and rope and wire splicing so it has been hard keeping the build moving without lots of overtime in the evenings and weekend.
More foam had to then be prepared by sheathing with cloth and epoxy which would be used for making the sole board supports which took up a bit more time than just making them in wood. There are going to be three wood floors which will take the weight of the lead ballast keel. These have been spiled aswell and the mast steps.
We have already cut and fitted the three bulkheads inside the hull. There will be a locker bulkhead just fore of the mast and fore of this another bulkhead will create a foam filled bouyancy tank. The aft bulkhead which forms the aft deck/skippers seat will be another foam filled bouyancy tank. These two tanks will provide enough displacement for the boat to still float should the cockpit totally fill with water.
The centre board case was finally finished and the bedlogs scribed and fitted to the side of it before it was fitted to the boat. I am very pleased with it. The sole board supports will be ready to fit next week but we have decided to leave fitting the lead keel supports until it arrives with all the drill holes so that we can match them all up by locating the supports to suit. A spliling for these has been carried out for their approximate location along the hog and cut out but a final scribe and shaping of them can be made before fitting. A wood capping for the foam sole supports has to be made and fitted to them all and the two located either side of the centre board case need to be scribed to take it and the bedlogs into account. Nick has just started to fit the beam shelves for the aft deck and completed the most aft deck beam with the correct camber for the deck.
Next weeks tasks are clearly defined but finding time between boat restoration classes will be difficult.